Posted by Membean
8 years ago

Finding Funds for School Programs

Now that Summer is winding down, it’s time to start preparing for the 2017-2018 school year. We’d like to help you access resources to help fund the needs of your school.

Grants: Most teachers are familiar with grants, as they award non-repayable funds or products to meet school needs

  • Corning Incorporated Foundation – The foundation supports grants for instructional technology for the classroom among a variety of other grants. Currently, the foundation gives 136 grants in education totaling about $3 million.
  • – This site gives the opportunity to search and apply for federal grants. Search for technology grants by plugging in a keyword or clicking on the category.
  • The Foundation Center – The website provides the opportunity to search for funders in a particular area.
  • Grants Watch – Website posts federal, state, city, local, and foundation grants on one website. The grants are categorized by type (i.e. teacher grants).
  • GrantStation – Access to GrantStation requires membership access to resources for all your grantseeking needs, from finding grantmaking leads to submitting the proposal that will win you awards. *Note: offers discounted memberships twice a year.
  • GetEdFunding – A grant-finding resource dedicated to helping educators, schools, and institutions identify the funding they need in budget-tight times. GetEdFunding hosts thousands of education, classroom, and teacher grants; awards for outstanding teachers and educators; and funding opportunities from federal, state, regional, and community sources.
  • Twitter – Follow @winmoregrants for updates on grants and deadlines.

Corporate Grants:
See if your favorite stores offer grants or awards for educators

  • Walmart Foundation – The Community grant Program awards grants of $250 to $2,500 through Walmart stores, Sam’s Clubs and Logistics facilities. Eligible nonprofit organizations must operate within the service area of the facility from which they are requesting funding.
  • Lowe’s Toolbox for Education – Lowe’s will donate up to $5 million to K-12 public/charter schools and to parent teacher groups – at as many as 1,000 different public schools per school year.
  • Target Foundation – Each year, Target grants help K-12 schools and nonprofit organizations by providing support for educational field trips and funds for what they need the most.
  • Look for more corporate funders HERE.

Other Funding Options:
Creative and classic ways to cover classroom costs

  • PTO/PTA/PTSA Sponsorship – Some (not all) parent-teacher organizations can help support a new or existing program by covering the cost of subscriptions or resources needed. Talk with you parent-teacher organization to determine if this is a viable option for funding.
  • Donors Choose – Teachers post what they need in particular for classroom projects on the website. A donor can choose to help fund the project and when the project reaches it’s goal, the website sends the materials directly to the school. The program supports K-12 classrooms, and public charter schools, in all 50 states across America.
  • Crowdfunding – Edutopia offers a free PDF showing how to raise money for your school through crowdfunding.
  • Funding Factory – A free fundraising program for schools, nonprofits, and charities that encourages the donation of empty printer cartridges, cell phones, and various other electronic devices. Once these items are recycled, the organization earns points. The points can be exchanged for new technology (that can be used in school) or cash.
  • Traditional Fundraising – If you have a class full of entrepreneurs, look into traditional fundraising with your students. provides an extensive list of ideas along with the profit and cost for each activity.

Funding Hardware: Does your school need more computers? Check out these resources for access to discounted or donated computers

  • Computers For Learning – Computers For Learning gives classrooms computers and facilitates the transferring of computers from government agencies and the private sector to schools and educational nonprofits. In order to be eligible to receive computers, a school must be a k-12 public, private, homeschool, or parochial school.
  • Computers Recycling Center (Computers and Education) – The CRC collects used computer equipment and reuses and refurbishes them. They then send the computers to Computers and Education so the program can give them to teachers, schools, community programs, foster kids, and disabled elderly through city and county agencies. The CRC has kept over 100,000 tech items out of landfills.
  • TechSoup – Gain access to discounted hardware and software when you join with your 501(c)(3) organization. Libraries can also benefit from this program which hosts software from Microsoft, Adobe, and many more, as well as mobile hotspots and refurbished computers.

School Supplies for Students and Teachers:

Do you need more guidance for writing grants? We have a free Grants Funding Guide we can email to you directly.

If you’d like to use one of the methods listed to cover the cost of Membean, reach out to our sales team to get started!

Did we miss something? Let us know if you use a resource we haven’t listed. We’re always on the hunt for new resources to assist educators and students.